Mission statement/ vision



As a military fraternity, our mission is to unify all walks of life that have a strong devotion to oneself and others. Unity is the state of being in full agreement and a way of combining the parts in an organization so that they seem to belong together. Sigma alpha gamma military fraternity inc. is a premier military fraternity actively providing services, programs and assistance to our military community. Our g-power program patriots offering wisdom enrichment and resolution, is an outreach service program to facilitate community service education and mentorship opportunity for our members. S.A.G. strives to become an inspirational model of living and working together with all branches of the us military, veterans and their children to create social, economic and educational changes amongst ourselves and within the military community.

“Wisdom is knowing the right path….integrity is taking it”.

To optimize sigma alpha gamma’s effectiveness, the fraternity will:
Strengthen and serve proactively the brotherhood, as a supportive resource that positively impacts the Fraternity’s growth.
Reaffirm and maintain a strong commitment to Gamma Values.
Ensure that the Fraternity programs are focused and committed to serving society.
Create an environment that respects the dignity and worth of each brother.
Exhibit integrity and ethical behavior.
Encourage a closer and mutually beneficial working relationship with community service organizations, businesses and government.
Select leaders who are committed and have demonstrated their ability to lead.


Sigma Alpha Gamma Military Fraternity, Inc., members have 5 Aspirations upon which we uphold ourselves. Each of the Aspirations represent excellence for which our members strive; Scholarship, Leadership, Obedience, Finance and Equality.

•    Scholarship goes beyond your college or military experience. Brothers of Sigma Alpha Gamma® commit themselves to a lifetime of personal growth and discovery. A true Gamma Man knows he always has something to learn and never truly reaches the end of his educational journey.

•   Leadership- A leader is someone who is willing to take on challenges and guide others through them. A leader is also someone, at any level of an organization, who seeks opportunities for personal and group growth. Through SAG, members learn how to lead but also learn about the idea of servant leadership and what it means to be part of something larger than oneself.

•   Obedience refers to one’s commitment. A Brother of Sigma Alpha Gamma will always uphold his commitments to himself, his fellow brothers and all others to serve a greater good. Commitment comes in many forms, but none more important than committing to hold yourself and others accountable in times where it is easy to simply turn a blind eye. The lessons learned through SAG enable our members to be successful contributing members of our Fraternity, their local community and society as a whole.

•   Finance refers to how a Gamma Man chooses to invest his various resources; time, money and the relationships he builds throughout his life. A Gamma Man invests in his and others’ futures by wisely investing his resources and maximizing the return on investment in all facets of life, well beyond his military experience.

•   Our fraternity believes that not only do we have to believe in equality; we have to fight for its existence. Therefore you will hear Gamma Men talk about the importance of the Elimination of Prejudice – a call to action. The pursuit of the Elimination of Prejudice is at the core of what it means to be a Gamma Man.

Sigma Alpha Gamma Military Fraternity®, Inc., is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to empower and expand opportunities for military men and veterans. We are dedicated to providing a brotherhood where military men current, past and present, can join together to celebrate our military history and to impact our communities through continued service.
The Internal Revenue Service letter granting Sigma Alpha Gamma its 501(c)3 status is available upon request.

Man of Sigma Alpha Gamma by Lavon Byrd

: info@sigmaalphagamma.org